Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And the Winner Is?

Everyone who didn't have the last name Clinton, could see the writing on the wall. Hillary's monumental sense of entitlement may have shown that she is a fighter, but it also showed how little political savvy she has. The only rational explanation for her behavior, is that she wished to harm Barak Obama's campaign in hopes that she would defeat an aged President McCain in 2012. Atleast that is my take.

There have been several things that have puzzled me with the latter stages of the nomination process.

1)Why do people give a rat's patootie what someone's religious leader has to say on something? We willingingly accept people who believe that there was a worldwide flood, who believe a Godman born to a virgin saves people from the sin committed by some ancient ancestor. Let's listen to what the candidates claim they believe, not focus on what the religious nuts they've hanged with believe.

2)What do blue collar whites and hispanics see in Hillary that they don't in Obama? This was and is a puzzling phenoma I haven't figured out. Is racism among the so-called blue-collar Reagan democrats so pronounced that our Republic isn't ready for a person who is 50% of African descent? And what message resonated with hispanics with Hillary. I truly would welcome some enlightenment there, because on that one, I have no clue.

3)Hillary is no gentleman. No really. There was a gentleman's agreement that candidates would take their names off of the Michigan ballot. Gentleman's agreements don't apply to Hillary, because I suppose, she's no gentleman. But she wants a full delegation sat in proportion to the votes of this illegal primary. And don't get me started on Florida.

4)And being first lady makes you a foreign policy expert? I'm assuming that if John McCain gets elected, we can look forward to Laura Bush being our next Secretary of State. Sure.

5)I never realized just how polarized we are. Barak Obama talks about a new type of inclusive politics. He's got his work cut out for him. I'm guilty of it too. It's us against them. Out politically charged social apparatus both in the media and in cyber-space creates alot of heat, and little light. Changing the focus of our collective energy as a country will be a difficult thing to accomplish.

As a finishing note, I'm encouraged to know that the reign of error that is the legacy of George W. Bush is coming to an end. McCain doesn't appear to be much better, but I really don't know what he believes. He's changed his tune many times. But I can't believe that he could be worse than George W. Bush. I don't know too many people who would be.

Of the things I am most proud, I can say emphatically, that I had the honor twice in my lifetime, of voting against George W. Bush. And I look forward to voting for Barak Obama in November.


just-commenting said...

I just hope that Obama does not choose Hillary as the VP candidate. I want to vote for REAL change, and not be limited to a choice between a 3rd Bush term and a 3rd Clinton term.

She has no moral compass. Rules are rules only when convenient and advantageous for her (count Michigan and Florida only if I win there). I think that her presence on the ticket would dampen the excitement engendered by a hope for a fresh look at everything.

I also fear the ruthless ambition of Hillary as VP, and Obama should, as well. If she were VP, he would be the last remaining obstacle to her assuming her pre-destined entitlement as president, so I would suggest that Obama employ a food taster once he is in office and watch his back.

Urban Koda said...

I'm with just-commenting, I really hope he picks a VP who doesn't bring with them just more of the same.

On the issues, I don't think Mr. Obama and I could be more opposite, but ultimately he and I are both looking for the same thing at the end of the day. A better America and an end to the current crap that is politics as usual. For these reasons alone I may very well vote for him - unless he makes a really dumb choice for VP. Even then I'm pretty sure he'll get in anyway. I know very few Republicans who don't feel completely screwed by their party.

Obi wan liberali said...

J.C., you were thinking what I was thinking. "A food taster"! Why do you beat me to the punch? Hillary has shown that her ambitions know no boundaries. I also agree with Jimmy Carter, that Hillary's negatives drown out her positives.

I'd rather have one of the other workable options for V.P. than have to double the amount of secret service people and have Hillary a heart-beat away from the Presidency.

Urban, I hope things are well with you. I agree that Obama seeks to try to make things different and less partisan. This is where our struggling Republic must go if we are to prosper as a people. We have been divided too long between intellectuals/faithful, gays/straights, men/women, people of color/caucasian, rich/poor, you name it. We need a President who represents all of us as best he/she can. Personally, after reading Barak Obama's writings, I think he is our best chance at acheiving that goal.

Best regards and thanks for your insights.

jeffeye said...

Obi, I read this and the property tax blog and am impressed with your knowledge and reasoned views.

I was raised in NE Ohio and campaigned there for Gore and then Kerry in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. I am still very concerned about the vestiges or racism that exist in these areas. The rust belt cities of the mid west have a long history of being very racially polarized. Over the last 40 years there has been significant change for the better, but particularly among some poorly educated and older voters , racism ( usually not overt acts of racism but a subtle form that will keep many from voting for a black President )is still a problem. It is hard to understand this phenomena in Utah because there is not a significant black population; therefore there's no polarization between some blacks and whites.

Obama must win the mid west to win and I believe he can only win with a massive infusion of first time young voters and black voters in these areas. In previous years, these have been hard constituencies to get to the polls. We have to work doubly hard this year to get him elected. I was an Edwards supporter but will work hard for Obama.

Obi wan liberali said...

jeffeye, thanks for posting. It is somewhat frustrating here in Utah because we know the real battles will be fought elsewhere, such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida.

Hopefully, Obama can bring a new generation of voters into the mix, and even perhaps, set their political compasses away from the blindly obedient authoritarian followers known as GEN X. Upon this hope may rest the future of our Republic.

jeffeye said...

It IS frustrating. However, even in Utah, there are winds of change starting to blow.

You may have heard about Utah Common Values, its a project being funded by a few committed Utah democrats who are financially well off---UCV has hired 16 staffers hired to do "coordinated statewide campaigning" around the state this summer and fall. I believe we have a chance of picking up 6 or so seats in the House and a few in the Senate---if we do at least the right wingers will have to negotiate with our democrats in the state legislature. We'll see....

On the issue of GEN x'er's , that is a very interesting subject. Gen Y'er, those between 18 and about 30 are seemingly more interested in social activism (from what I have read and seen) and have a different way of doing it. So there may be hope still....

As far as Presidential politics, we'll probably be going to Ohio again this fall. Its quite an experience, the last two times literally THOUSANDs of people from all over the country descended there to go door to door. Its become a sort of family tradition. I'm not sure how much the work of a single family's work matters by the last two weeks or the electin and there are probably better ways to leverage time and money to help the cause but it has been fun, though frustrating to see the results.